Constantly looking to learn, improve and implement my knowledge towards betterment of myself and my organization
- Date Of Birth: 07 SEPT 2001
- Phone: None
- City: Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
- Country: India
- Age: 20
- Stream: Computer Science
- Degree: Under Graduate (2023)
- Email: lcchinnu@gmail.com
Lakshmi Narayana Velayudam
Constantly looking to learn, improve and implement my knowledge towards betterment of myself and my organization
Bachelor of Technology
2019 - 2023
CGPA: 8.78Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College
2017 - 2019
CGPA: 8.34Narayana Junior College
Professional Experience
React Native Intern
Mar 2021 - Present
SamparkBindhu Solutions Pvt. Ltd is trying to help farmers by enabling them maintain one to one communication. In this intern I am developing a React Native application which makes monitoring of transactions simple and efficient by showing various dashboards and live transactions. The app will also be able to modify the transactions, deny or accept them,etc.
Project Works
2022 Sep (On Going)
Developed a full stack project management system using React framework along with Express.js and MySQL database. The application provides a common ground for employees/Organization to monitor issues in projects and also keep track of the issues entirely.
Birthday Wishing App
2021 Aug - 2021 Sep
Developed a flutter app which can be used for wishing people on special occasions mainly on birthdays. App was mainly developed due to tackle the covid-19 hazardous situations where people were not able to meet to greet or celebrate well. This app will help in virtually storing all kinds of wishes and also has various options like download, share,etc
Election Voting System
2019 Nov - 2019 Dec
Reduced manual election work by developing an election voting system for college level elections using Python. The application will show charts to compare candidate's position and also selects random winner on tie if required. The application is capable of validating the voters based on their ids